Jumat, 28 Mei 2010


HIV dan Tubuh Manusia

* Untuk dapat berada didalam tubuh manusia ,HIV harus masuk langsung ke aliran darah manusia
* Diluar tubuh manusia HIV sangat cepat mati
* HIV mudah mati oleh air panas ,sabun dan bahan pencuci hama
* HIV dapat bertahan hidup dalam darah yang segar (belum mengering)

HIV dalam Tubuh Manusia

*Jumlah banyak melalui :darah ,semen (cairan sperma) ,cairan vagina , air susu ibu (relatif karena pemberian asi berlangsung cukup lama)
*Junlah sedikit sekali melalui : Keringat ,Air mata ,Air ludah ,cairan otak


Cara Penularan HIV / AIDS :
-Hubungan Kelamin
-Hubungan Kelamin Melalui Vagina / anus
-Melalui Jarum Suntik Bergantian / Bersama
-Ibu Hamil Kepada Bayinya & Ibu Menyusui Kepada Bayi
-Melalui Transfusi Darah

Hal-hal Yang Tidak Menularkan Hiv / Aids :
-Bersenggolan Dengan Pengidap Hiv / Aids
-Berjabatan Tangan Dengan Pengidap
-Pengidap Batuk Di Depan Kita
-Berenang Bersama Dalam Kolam Renang
-Menggunakan WC Yang Sama Dengan Pengidap
-Melalui Gigitan Serangga
-Makan Menggunakan Piring Yang Sama


* H :Human : Manusia
* I :Immuno : Kekebalan tubuh /deficiency : kekurangan
* V : Virus : Virus

HIV : Virus yang menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia

* A :Aeguired :diperoleh / didapat
* I :Immune :kekebalan tubuh
* D :Deficiency :kekurangan
* S :Syndrome :kumpulan gejala

AIDS :Sekumpulan tanda dan gejala penyakit akibat hilangnya / menurunnya sistem kekebalan tubuh seseorang

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

vierra -NO

You’ll never find another me
You’ll never had another story
Knowing that you there , i try to find you
Knowing that you here , i won’t let you go
*courtesy of
Can’t you see that i got lost in your eyes ?
Can’t you see that i got trapped in your heart ?
Knowing that you there , i try to find you
Knowing that you here , i won’t let you go

Whooaa oh it’s getting dark here
Whooaa oh , right now
Whooaa oh i need you tonight
Oh , tonight

Reff :
Tell you that i will never leave
Tell you that i will kiss you now
Turn you up , no
Turn you down , no

You said you want try to keep me
You said we were last forever
You said all those things
To calm me down

vierra- tears

Would you stop all the lines
Comin out from your mouth
Isn’t my stories not enough
To much lies for me
So please forgive me
*courtesy of
Your car my house our phones
Where all the memories lies

All the tears that aren’t wasted
All the anger that exploded
All the things that we’ve been through
Wouldn’t pay a thing if we end this

Your car my house our phones
Where all the memories lies

All the tears that aren’t wasted
All the anger that exploded
All the things that we’ve been through
Wouldn’t pay a thing if we end this

This is just the half part
Half part of my lyrics